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RIDDOR is a UK mandate requiring employers to report certain workplace incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). These incidents encompass work-related accidents, diseases, and hazardous events. According to the most recent statistics from the HSE, during the 2019-2020 period, 69,208 non-fatal employee injuries were reported under RIDDOR, a decrease from the previous year's figure. The most frequently reported types of non-fatal injuries under RIDDOR during this period included slips, trips and falls on the same level (29% of all non-fatal injuries), handling, lifting or carrying (20%), being hit by an object (10%), acts of violence (9%), and falls from height (8%). These five types of injuries accounted for over 75% of non-fatal injuries reported under RIDDOR during the 2019-2020 period.

Alongside non-fatal injuries, there were also 111 fatal injuries reported under RIDDOR during the 2019-2020 period, a decrease from the previous year's 147. The most frequent causes of fatal injuries reported under RIDDOR during this period were falls from height (29% of all reported fatal injuries), being hit by a moving vehicle (20%), being struck by a moving object (18%), getting trapped by something collapsing or overturning (8%), and contact with moving machinery (7%). These five causes accounted for over 80% of all fatal injuries reported under RIDDOR in the 2019-2020 period. The HSE also indicated that there were 2446 instances of work-related diseases reported under RIDDOR during the same period. These diseases include musculoskeletal disorders, occupational asthma, and work-related stress.

Employers have a legal duty to report certain types of workplace incidents under RIDDOR. This includes incidents resulting in a worker's death or serious injury, or an injury leading to an employee being off work for seven or more days. Employers must also report certain hazardous occurrences and work-related diseases. The HSE utilises data from RIDDOR reports to detect trends and patterns in workplace incidents and devise strategies to enhance workplace safety.